Automotive oddity website,
maar oldsmobile car watch overflow page

If you came to this page directly from a search engine you missed most of the story
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More oldsmobile Maar pictures

Complete setup installed in a hot rod. Note the turn signal arm. This was part of the setup that allowed clearance for the clock as you turned the wheel

An original setup with the compass mounted in the dash where the dash clock mounted.

A collection of wheels. on the upper right you can see a standard wheel and in the center is the compass in the dash mount

Wheel clock and horn ring are specific to the steering wheel clock option

Close up of the clock and center medallion

Close up #1

Close up #2

Close up #3

Clock face off of the winder

Side shot of winder and clock

Go to the steering wheel clocks home page
If you have additional information, images or literature you would like to share I will add it to the webpage during a future update. Also if you have any of these clocks for sale I am a buyer or may be able to help you find a buyer
Home page Main clocks page Links

Site Built:       08/22/10
Last Update:   08/25/10
Use of images or information on these pages is forbiden without permission. I will be glad to assist magazine editors etc. in putting together an article about these clocks and only ask that the website be mentioned in the article and I get a copy of the final publication.

Welcome to my mis-spelled word file!

These are common and sometimes uncommon ways to mis-spell the primary words on this site! I provide this as a service to the phonically challenged because they are people too! Or maybe they have a typing handicap like myself. Crysler, Chrystler, Christler, Desota, De Sota, Desotoe, Desoda, Dasoda, fibre, fibreglass hiway, hifi, krysler, Mo Par, Peddel, Peddal, Peddle, Plymoth, Plimoth, Plimouth,